An International Double-Blind, Peer-Review Journal by NSTRI

Document Type : Research paper


1 Radiation Application Reseach School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Radiation Application Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.


Accurately measurement of multi-phase flow remains an important issue since early 80s. The complexity of measurement is reduced by using one of two approaches including separation or homogenization. However, proposing multi-phase flow meters without any preconditioning will have great advantages, including not interfering with the transfer process and flexibility for all regimes. Providing suitable platform with the ability to produce different regimes to check multi-phase flow meters performance is essential. One of the interesting options can be to provide systems on a laboratory scale and away from the exorbitant costs of test loops.

In this research, a Static-Equivalent Multi-Phase Flow (SEMPF) with flexibility in creating gas-liquid multi-phase flow regimes is proposed. The creative idea in this system is preparing different flow regimes using suitable arrangements of full and empty straws inside a rotating tube. Finally, the SEMPF mechanism of action was verified for a homogenous three-phase flow using gamma-ray technique in the Monte Carlo simulations. The results showed remarkable measurement accuracy which is an emphasis on the high quality of this system in creating the most difficult flow regime i.e., homogeneous.


Main Subjects